practice areas

Christian specializes in the areas of insolvency law, the law of the liquidation of companies, the provisional administration of companies and the provisional administration of the succession plan of a community of heirs. Due to his many years of experience, Christian is regularly appointed as:

  • bankruptcy receiver (curateur de faillites)
  • voluntary liquidator (liquidateur volontaire)
  • judicial liquidator (liquidateur judiciaire)
  • provisional administrator of companies (administrateur provisoire de sociétés)
  • provisional administrator of the succession plan of a community of heirs (administrateur provisoire d’indivisions successorales)
  • escrow (séquestre) of real estate, company shares etc.


Since the entry into force of the law of 7 August 2023 on the preservation of companies and the modernization of bankruptcy law (loi du 7 août 2023 relative à la préservation des entreprises et portant modernisation du droit de la faillite, hereinafter the “Law”) Christian, who is on the list of sworn experts for the branch “company conciliator (conciliateur d’entreprise), court-appointed agent (mandataire de justice)”, also accepts mandates as company conciliator and court-appointed agent as provided for by the Law.

Lastly, Christian is regularly called upon by receivers and liquidators qualified and practicing abroad to advise them on the Luxembourg aspects of foreign insolvency or liquidation proceedings, in particular when assets are to be recovered in Luxembourg for the benefit of these estates or in the event of disputes pending before the Luxembourg courts in the context of such foreign bankruptcy or liquidation proceedings.